News & Updates
Platinum News, Articles and Events
Our Commitment
We want to help your on your journey to sucess. We hope some of these articles help you and we invite you to join in our events.
Carly’s CoMments
Carly talks about what it means to join the Platinum family
Coaching Clinic
We would like to thank our sponsor Interloc for supporting an initiative to help development of our junior players. With the funding and support of Interloc we will have the Evolve Rugby League Academy provide sessions to our teams focused on skill...
Ryan’s comments
Ryan gives a compelling reason to join the Platinum family
We are partnering with Evolve Rugby League Academy
We are partnering with Evolve Rugby League Academy to run holiday sports camps and workshops throughout the year Rugby League is a sport that has long been revered for its physicality, teamwork, and discipline. However, in recent years, the sport has become...
Platinum partners with Amplify Coaching
We are excited to announce we will be collaborating with Aaron and Amplify Coaching Collective to improve outcomes for our players Aaron at Amplify Coaching Collective helps young people to master their mindset and flourish both on and off the field with programs and...
We are collaborating to assist players with employment pathways
Partnering with Illawarra YES to further help our players with suitable employment. The Illawarra YES program covers the Illawarra, Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands. The IllawarraYES program focuses on building entry level employment pathways for young...
Partners with New Leaf Financial Solution
To help our players with finanical support when they need it At New Leaf Financial Solutions, we understand that life can be unpredictable. That's why we're here to provide support when it comes to your finances. We're partnering together to help players with any...